Overdyed Cotton Floss 1030-10499

10 in stock
Premium quality six-strand embroidery floss. Finest quality, long-staple, 100% Egyptian Giza cotton. 20 yard skein.
Drop down menu below for color name or number; not necessarily in alphabetical or numerical order.
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In general use this as you would any solid cotton floss. This means 8-9 strands on 10 mesh. 7-8 strands on 13 mesh. 6-7 strands work on 14 mesh and 4 strands work on 18 mesh.




1030 Butter Cream

10301 Samson

10302 Reflections

10311 Honey Bee

1032 Brown Sugar & Spice

1033 Ice Tea

10330 Spiced Tea

1034 Chocolate Cream

10340 Bark

10341 In The Jungle

10342 Earth Stones

10343 Cayenne Pepper

10346 Orange Starfish

10348 Pumpkin Spice

1035 Cherry Vanilla

10351 Rustic Brown Cherry

10351 Harvest Brown

10357 Toffee Brown

1036 Shades of Chocolate

10360 Cocoa Brown

10361 Indian Brown

10362 Green Applewood

1037 Tiger Butter

10370 Double Fudge

10371 Rich Chocolate

10372 Kaleb’s Cherry Patch

1038 Cherry Cola

10380 Berry Latte

10381 Banana Berry

10382 Fine Wine

10382 Japanese Iris

1039 Autumn Leaves

1040 Shanghai Nights

1041 Dust to Dust

10415 Cajun Spice

1042 Desert Sunset

10420 Red Velvet

10421 Stepping Stone

10422 Rustic Red

1043 Fantasy Island

1044 Chili Peppers

1045 Green Apples

1046 Lemon Grass

10461 Lime Twist

10465 Neon Green

1047 Tropical Green

10471 Grass Is Green

10472 Shamrock

10474 Green Moss

10475 Irish Clover

1048 Woodland Green

10485 Deep Green

1049 Parrot Bay

10490 English Ivy




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