Silk & Ivory 200-299

4 in stock
Made in Switzerland of 50% silk and 50% Merino wool. SILK & IVORY® may be used on #13, #14, #16, or #18 canvas, and are available in 244 colors, with many more to come.
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200 Chambray                 216 Marmalade             232 Chutney
201 Lion                          217 Pewter                    233 Bellini
202 Tiger                         218 Smoky Quartz        234 Mimosa
203 Giraffe                      219 Onyx                      235 Acorn Squash
204 Gazelle                     220 Straw                      236 Regatta
205 Dolphin                    221 Petal                       237 Mint Julep
206 Mouse                      222 Glacier                   238 Duck Egg
207 Elephant                   223 Posie                      239 Caribbean
208 Seal                          224 Pearl                       240 Breeze
209 Stream                      225 Oats                        241 Maize
210 Lily Pad                    226 Whole Wheat         242 Lavender
211 Marsh                       227 Bran Flakes            243 Clematis
212 Toast                         228 Rye                         244 Morning Glory
213 Banana                      229 Putting Green           245 Blue Blazes
214 Qunice                      230 Toad                         246 Fairway
215 Clementine               231 Relish                        247 Elderberry
248 Cashew                     249 Pecan                        250 Walnut




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