SPSB Suzy's Portable Stitches Book

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In this, SuZy’s sixth stitch dictionary, she tackles smaller stitches. This is a greatly needed book because finding stitches to fit smaller spaces works well with today’s trend towards smaller projects. - Review from Nuts about Needlepoint
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The table of contents lists all the stitches, grouped by type. Stitches azre shown one stitch per page, many of them have with variations. There are many stitches here which were new or unfamiliar to me. There are also many stitches which incorporate open canvas.

A new section to her books includes pattern stitches, with eyelets, sprats heads, and other unusual stitches.

As always, SuZy lists different applications of the stitch and has her tips at the bottom of each page. Colored stitched samples are at the back and black and white pictures of the models are on every page.

My only problem with this book is that I felt many of the stitches weren’t really small with one being 8 threads across and 14 threads high.

Even with that small fault, I found so many great stitches in this book that I highly recommend it.

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