Petite Treasure Braid Shimmer

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Needlepoint: 18-22 Count. A 3-ply braided metallic, Light coverage for 18 count, but works great for Cross Stitch too. 65% Rayon, 35% Metalized Polyester. 25 yard cards. Hand Washable, test first. Drop down menu below for color name or number; n
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Needlepoint: 18-22 Count. A 3-ply braided metallic, Treasure Braid Petite is for very fine work or to combing with other threads. Light coverage for 18 count, but works great for Cross Stitch too. 65% Rayon, 35% Metalized Polyester. 25 yard cards. Hand Washable, test first.









Petite Treasure Braid Shimmer

PB201, PB202, PB203, PB204, PB205, PB206, PB207, PB208, PB209, PB300

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